CCBC-Net Archives

ccbc-net digest 7 Dec 2002

From: Sharon Addy <sharonaddy>
Date: Sat, 7 Dec 2002 07:06:43 -0600


I'm going to veer off the topic a bit and ask how books are selected for mock Caldecott discussions.

My 1999 book Right Here on this Spot illustrated by John Clapp has extensive, thought-provoking artwork which, as far as I know, never was considered for any national awards. The reviews focused on the fact that the child who narrates the story of a spot in Grampa's field isn't a visible character. (Fortunately, that hasn't stopped the book from being on many, many lists as an introduction to archeology.) For my new book, When Wishes Were Horses, Brad Sneed's illustrations got a terrific thumbs up from Kirkus and the story got a pat on the back for being funny. The book came out in September, but so far Kirkus is the only review.

Are selections for the mock Caldecotts based entirely on reviews?

Sharon Hart Addy When Wishes Were Horses Right Here on This Spot Kidding Around Milwaukee A Visit with Great-Grandma We Didn't Mean To
Received on Sat 07 Dec 2002 07:06:43 AM CST