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Results of the CCBC Coretta Scott King Award Discussion

From: Megan Schliesman <Schliesman>
Date: Thu, 12 Dec 2002 11:42:13 -0600

Last night, 22 people gathered at the CCBC for our annual discussion of books eligible for the upcoming Coretta Scott King Author and Illustrator awards.

Here are the results:

Coretta Scott King Author Award:

          Winner: Hush written by Jacqueline Woodson. Putnam, 2002.

          Honor Book: Fresh Girl written by Ja?ra Placide. Wendy Lamb Books, 2002. (

Coretta Scott King Illustrator Award:

           Winner: Ella Fitzgerald : The Tale of a Vocal Virtuosa illustrated by Brian Pinkney.
                        Written by Andrea Davis Pinkney. Jump at the Sun / Hyperion, 2002.

           Honor Book: Crowning Glory illustrated by Brenda Joysmith.
                                 Written by Joyce Carol Thomas. Joanna Cotler Books, 2002.
  The complete list of titles we discussed is below:


     *Crowning Glory illustrated by Brenda Joysmith. Written by Joyce Carol Thomas.
          Joanna Cotler Books, 2002. (03473-3) 32 pages

     *Danitra Brown Leaves Town illustrated by Floyd Cooper. Written by Nikki Grimes.
          Henry Holt, 2002. (0?50g44-2) 32 pages

     *Ella Fitzgerald : The Tale of a Vocal Virtuosa illustrated by Brian Pinkney. Written by
          Andrea Davis Pinkney. Jump at the Sun / Hyperion, 2002.
(0x6868-4) 32 pages

     Stars in the Darkness illustrated by R. Gregory Christie. Written by Barbara Joosse.
          Chronicle Books, 2002. (0?18!68-4) 32 pages

     *Visiting Day illustrated by James Ransome. Written by Jacqueline Woodson.
          Scholastic, 2002. (0Y0 at 005-3) 32 pages

     *Visiting Langston illustrated by Bryan Collier. Written by Willie Perdomo.
          Henry Holt, 2002. (0?50g44-2) 32 pages

     * = also eligible for author award


     Double Dutch written by Sharon Draper.
          Atheneum, 2002. (0h9?230-9) 192 pages

     Fresh Girl written by Ja?ra Placide.
          Wendy Lamb Books, 2002. (0852753-6) 216 pages

     Handbook for Boys: A Novel written by Walter Dean Myers. Illustrated by Matthew Bandsuch.
          Amistad / HarperCollins, 2002. (09146-X) 179 pages

     Hush written by Jacqueline Woodson.
          Putnam, 2002. (099#114-5) 181 pages.

     Time Pieces written by Virginia Hamilton.
          Blue Sky Press / Scholastic, 2002. (0Y0(881-4) 199 pages.

Please continue sharing your favorites, and the outcomes of any mock discussions you are holding in your libraries, schools, or elsewhere!


Megan Schliesman, Librarian Cooperative Children's Book Center School of Education, UW-Madison 600 N. Park St., Room 4290 Madison, Wi 53706 608&2?03 schliesman at
Received on Thu 12 Dec 2002 11:42:13 AM CST