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From: Cathy Sullivan Seblonka <cathys>
Date: Mon, 23 Dec 2002 15:42:01 -0500 (EST)
I have a few favorites to add.
Himalaya by Tenzing Norbu Lama and Don Brown's Far Beyond the Garden Gate: Alexandra David-Neel's Journey to Lhasa both portray a part of the world that fascinates me.
Olivier Dunrea's Gossie and his Gossie and Gertie are charming books. I hope I don't think of these two books while I eat my Christmas goose! His It's Snowing is lovely and a little odd--perfect for looking at over and over.
Togo by Robert Blake made me cry. The writing is so powerful emotionally. I could feel the tension of the race to Nome. Lovely illusttrations, too.
For wonderful Christmas poetry try Nikki Grimes' Under the Christmas Tree.
Manya Stojic's Snow is bright and cheerful. I'll be reading it in my next Book Babies program.
Leaving snow and picture books behind, I also enjoyed Thief Lord by Cornelia Funke with its warm and humorous good guys and mean nasties and Lynne Reid Banks' Dungeon which shows you the lengths to which revenge can lead one.
Merry Christmas.
Cathy Sullivan Seblonka Youth Services Librarian Peter White Public Library 217 N. Front St. Marquette, MI 49855
(906) 228?10 fax (906) 22683 e-mail: cathys at
Received on Mon 23 Dec 2002 02:42:01 PM CST
Date: Mon, 23 Dec 2002 15:42:01 -0500 (EST)
I have a few favorites to add.
Himalaya by Tenzing Norbu Lama and Don Brown's Far Beyond the Garden Gate: Alexandra David-Neel's Journey to Lhasa both portray a part of the world that fascinates me.
Olivier Dunrea's Gossie and his Gossie and Gertie are charming books. I hope I don't think of these two books while I eat my Christmas goose! His It's Snowing is lovely and a little odd--perfect for looking at over and over.
Togo by Robert Blake made me cry. The writing is so powerful emotionally. I could feel the tension of the race to Nome. Lovely illusttrations, too.
For wonderful Christmas poetry try Nikki Grimes' Under the Christmas Tree.
Manya Stojic's Snow is bright and cheerful. I'll be reading it in my next Book Babies program.
Leaving snow and picture books behind, I also enjoyed Thief Lord by Cornelia Funke with its warm and humorous good guys and mean nasties and Lynne Reid Banks' Dungeon which shows you the lengths to which revenge can lead one.
Merry Christmas.
Cathy Sullivan Seblonka Youth Services Librarian Peter White Public Library 217 N. Front St. Marquette, MI 49855
(906) 228?10 fax (906) 22683 e-mail: cathys at
Received on Mon 23 Dec 2002 02:42:01 PM CST