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High-Interest Book Evaluations (Correction)

From: Richard Quiring <richard_quiring>
Date: Thu, 26 Dec 2002 10:07:56 -0800

Sorry for the duplication. For some reason an error inexplicably occurred in my return address. For an unknown reason a space resulted between the ?i? and the ?r? of my last name. A reply would only bounce back to you. Therefore I?m sending this again to avoid any inconvenience on your part. Sorry again.)

I am presently doing graduate research at the University of Victoria, British Columbia in reading motivation in relation to school libraries. Part of the research includes the evaluation of high-interest books for reluctant readers. There are many books marketed or identified as ?high interest? either by publishers or associations or individuals. Yet I have not found any in?pth valuation criteria to determine the correct labeling of ?high interest.? The evaluation should also include font size and style, physical appearance, illustrations, sentence length, vocabulary, new meanings defined within the text, reader?s interest, as well as content. Does anyone know of such an evaluation criteria or know of research done specifically on high-interest books related to reluctant readers?

Any help you can provide will be gratefully accepted.

Richard Quiring, Teacher-Librarian Greendale Elementary School Chilliwack, BC Canada Email: richard_quiring at
Received on Thu 26 Dec 2002 12:07:56 PM CST