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BBYA 2003 Final Nominations

From: Cindy Dobrez <dobrez>
Date: Sat, 2 Nov 2002 15:38:53 -0500

As of November 1, 2002, two hundred and three books have been nominated for Best Books for Young Adults. Books will be discussed at the ALA Midwinter Meeting in Philadelphia this winter.

Although nominations are closed for the year, nominations from the field are encouraged and will be accepted again next year for the 2004 list. Please visit the YALSA Best Books website for details, including the policies and procedures. The complete list of nominated 2003 titles is also posted there.

If you or your teens would like to comment about any of the nominated titles, please send your comments to one of us and they will be shared with the BBYA committee.


Cindy Dobrez, Librarian BBYA 2003 Chairperson Harbor Lights Middle School 3600 N. 152nd Ave. Holland, MI 49424 616s8h84 dobrez at

Peter Butts BBYA 2003 Administrative Assistant East Middle School 373 E. 24th St. Holland, MI 49423 616I4$75 pbutts at

October Nominations for Best Books 2003
(Alphabetical by author or collection title)

Adler, David A. B. Franklin, Printer. Holiday House (0?3475-5)

Barnes, John. The Sky So Big and Black. Tom Doherty/TOR (0v50303-5)

Bedard, Michael. Stained Glass. Tundra Books (0?776U2-1; 0?776`2-1 pb)

Bruchac, Joseph. The Winter People. Penguin Putnam/Dial (0?37&94-5)

Clarke, Judith. Wolf on the Fold. Front Street (1?6910y-0)

Cotner, June. Teen Sunshine Reflections/Words for the Heart and Soul. HarperCollins 0

Crowe, Chris. Mississippi Trial, 1955. Penguin Putnam/Phyllis Fogelman Books (0?37'45-3)

Etchemendy, Nancy. David Ouimet, il. Cat in Glass and Other Tales of the

Unnatural. Cricket Books (0?26&74-5)

Fine, Anne. Up on Cloud Nine Random House/Delacorte (085s009-8; 085?058-9 lib.)

Gavin, Jamila. Coram Boy. Farrar, Straus & Giroux (0741544-2)

Goobie, Beth. The Lottery. Orca Book Publishers (1U143#8-2)

Gray, Dianne E. Together Apart. Houghton Mifflin (0a8721-9 )

Hambly, Barbara. Sisters of the Raven. Warner/Aspect (0D6g704-3 pb)

Hoffman, Mary. Stravaganza: City of Masks. Bloomsbury USA Children's Books (1X234y1-3)

Holeman, Linda. Search of the Moon King's Daughter Tundra Books (0?776Y2-0)

Horowitz, Anthony. Point Blank. Penguin Putnam/Philomel (099#621-X)

Ingold, Jeanette. The Big Burn. Harcourt (0!6470-7)

Jeapes, Ben. The Xenocide Mission. Random House/David Fickling Books (085u007-2)

Klass, David. Home of the Braves. Farrar, Strauss and Giroux/Francis Foster Books (0749963-8)

Lavender, William. Just Jane. Harcourt/Gulliver Books (0 2587-1)

Marsden, John. The Other Side of Dawn. Houghton Mifflin (0a8028-1)

McPherson, James M. Fields of Fury: The American Civil War. Simon & Schuster/Atheneum (0h9?833-1)

Paolini, Christopher. Eragon. Paolini International (0?66213-3-6 pb)

Pisano, Dominick A. and F. Robert Van Der Linden; Eric Long and Mark Avino, il. Charles Lindbergh and the Spirit of St. Louis. Harry N. Abrams/Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum

Rall, Ted. To Afghanistan and Back: A Graphic Travelogue. Nantier Beall Minoustchine (1V16325-9)

Rosenberg, Liz. 17: A Novel in Prose Poems. Cricket Books (0?26I15-X)

Santana, Patricia. Motorcycle Ride on the Sea of Tranquility University of New Mexico Press (0?63$35-5)

Shinn, Sharon. Jenna Starborn. Penguin Putnam/ Ace Books (0D1

Shusterman, Neal. Shattered Sky. Tom Doherty/TOR (012?508-7)

Steinberg, Jacques. The Gatekeepers: Inside the Admissions Process of a Premier College. Penguin Putnam/Viking (0g0135-6)

Tolan, Stephanie S. Surviving the Applewhites. HarperCollins (0b3602-9; 0b3603-7 lib)

Van Pelt, James. Strangers and Beggars: Stories Fairwood Press (0?68184-5-8 pb)
Received on Sat 02 Nov 2002 02:38:53 PM CST