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From: Mark L. Williams <scribe>
Date: Sat, 16 Nov 2002 09:07:18 -0700

Another aspect to "family" is the external pressures that break them apart
-- something I try to address in my "Danger Boy" books where my time-traveling 12 year old comes from a broken family due not to his parents own ennui, but ultimately, to a world beset by a collapsing environment , secret government weapons programs, official lies, etc. -- i.e., history weighing down on those who try to proceed even with the best of intentions...

One grandmother I know said the books managed to capture the fear of parents, that in spite of their own good efforts, they're ultimately helpless against larger forces...

Whether I was partially successful in that regard or not, the kids in the book go forward with a certain determination, in spite of the glaring folly of all the grown-ups around them...

cheers, Mark L. Williams
Received on Sat 16 Nov 2002 10:07:18 AM CST