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Jazz and picture books

From: Head of Youth Services <VOORYS>
Date: Mon, 21 Oct 2002 09:45:31 -0400

I have also read to school-age kids _Charlie Plays be-bop_ and Mysterious Thelonious with the music behind me. It brings the children to a whole new understanding of the power of music. I have also worked with color after Mysterious Thelonius and the video of the Pinkney biography of Duke Ellington by Weston Woods. As an art activity they continue to listen to jazz and make colors, shapes and sounds on the paper. One other layer is _Zin! Zin! Zin! A Violin_ by Lloyd Moss. The video (Reading Rainbow) is magnificent because each instrument is highlighted with text and music. Also, the iconographic video really lets the viewer see the instrument. Marjorie Priceman's illustrations fly off the pages of the book in swirls of color and beauty. (Zin! Zin! is also a great math lesson.)

Best regards,
  Joyce Laiosa

-Joyce R. Laiosa Youth Services Librarian Voorheesville Public Library 51 School Road Voorheesville, NY 12186 voorys at 518v5'91 FAX:518v5007
Received on Mon 21 Oct 2002 08:45:31 AM CDT