CCBC-Net Archives

Movies of Chris Raschka & Greg Christie's work

From: Nicholas Glass <nick>
Date: Mon, 21 Oct 2002 14:01:45 -0500

Hi. This conversation has taken an interesting twist into these vibrant and wonderful illustrators. I've been fortunate enough to visit Chris in his studio for a day to make a 4-minute movie of him doing his craft. While the complete program on Chris isn't finished yet, I'm happy to invite y'all to see the professionally?ited movie. It isn't for public play yet, but I'm comfortable sharing it with the CCBC-NET community if you want a really neat glimpse into Chris and his work. It focuses on A Poke In the I and reveals his illustrations of concrete poetry (Candlewick, 2001, poems selected by Paul B. Janeczko). From your computer, enjoy watching Chris create a piece of art, act out a poem (Monica Kulling's Tennis Anyone), talk about illustrating rhythm, and share general comments about his books -- all in 4 minutes!

To watch this, all you need is Quick Time (version 4.0 or better) or Windows Media Player 7.1 to view it. Just select the appropriate link below to launch the movie in your Internet browser. Choosing Dial-up gives a tiny postage stamp version but works on 56k modems, and Broadband works where ever you have high-speed access.

As for Greg Christie and his work, I interviewed Barbara Joosse after she wrote Stars in the Darkness (Chronicle, 2002). Greg marvelously and so thoughtfully illustrated this book. In the TeachingBooks 4-minute movie, you see Barbara read from the book and gain insights into the author's perspective of this wonderful illustrator's job. To see this movie, please go to, and then go into Authors Up Close. It's the Barbara Joosse feature.

If you watch these movies and have comments, I'd love to hear what you think
(please email me off-line). TeachingBooks uses the Internet to create and share virtual author programs so that no matter where you are, with a click of the mouse you can see and hear the very best authors share insights and the spirit of children's books.

Here are the Chris Raschka movie links:

Quick Time: dial up:

QuickTime broadband:

Windows Media Player dial up:

Windows Media Player broadband:


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Nick Glass 313 West Beltline Highway, Suite 150 Madison, WI 53713

p 608 257.2919 f 608 327.8010 e nick at
Received on Mon 21 Oct 2002 02:01:45 PM CDT