CCBC-Net Archives

beware - virus abounds

From: Mary A. Pasch <mpasch>
Date: Thu, 3 Oct 2002 16:13:52 -0400

there is a crappy virus going about - w32.bugbear at mm that generates mass mail with randomly generated user and attaches randomly named executable file that looks like picture file or any of many attachments, but is really a exe file that causes your computer to generate messages using those in your inbox and documents from "My Documents" as the attachment name. If you received one b/c of my computer, I heartily apologize.

Go to

or any other virus scan site b/c it is so new, your virus detection software may not catch it.

If you received messages with attachments today, it is best to delete them immediately, unless you know for sure that it is intended for you.

I wish these people would concentrate on world peace rather than e-mail viruses.

Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated. - Confucius Mary A. Pasch (mpasch at
Received on Thu 03 Oct 2002 03:13:52 PM CDT