CCBC-Net Archives

Virginia Hamilton

From: Boagjohns at <Boagjohns>
Date: Tue, 10 Sep 2002 13:50:07 EDT


There are so many remembrances:

When The People Could Fly came into my home, my husband. who usually reads ONLY history and biography - read the book from cover to cover - and then he took that wonderful poster, had it framed and hung in his Judge's chambers until he retired The power of a book and its author.

For those who were not there when Virginia received the Coretta Scott King Award for The People Could Fly - as she was reading her acceptance speech in GRAND New York Hotel - all the lights went out!! Stalwart trooper that she is, someone handed her a FLASHLIGHT and she continued to read - and appropriately she was at the part that said, " And in the dark of night the slaves would seek away from their cabins to plot their next escape plans......"

Henrietta M. Smith
Received on Tue 10 Sep 2002 12:50:07 PM CDT