CCBC-Net Archives
ccbc-net digest 12 Sep 2002
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From: Nancy Tilly <nmtilly>
Date: Thu, 12 Sep 2002 09:24:21 -0400
Hope your computer's back and working the way it should. I guess the house didn't work out or we'd have heard frm you. We're having our roof replaced today--arrgghh. We saw your tiny name in People yesterday (got a copy from B&N), so huzzah! Swing dancing tonight- Love,
Received on Thu 12 Sep 2002 08:24:21 AM CDT
Date: Thu, 12 Sep 2002 09:24:21 -0400
Hope your computer's back and working the way it should. I guess the house didn't work out or we'd have heard frm you. We're having our roof replaced today--arrgghh. We saw your tiny name in People yesterday (got a copy from B&N), so huzzah! Swing dancing tonight- Love,
Received on Thu 12 Sep 2002 08:24:21 AM CDT