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Donna Rawlins and Australian publishing

From: Jen McVeity <jmcveity>
Date: Sat, 13 Jul 2002 16:58:11 +1000

Sonja, we've just had Donna Rawlins to Melbourne for our Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators conference. (I head the Australian chapter.) She absolutely delighted our audience with her quick wit and enthusiasm. She threw huge slabs of her art work on the floor for everyone to see, and by the end of her presentation the place was full of her glowing art, so full of energy and skill. I was terrified some member of the audience would tread on the paintings, but not a chance, they edged slowly closer and were in awe. I have one of the originals from Robber Girl on my desk right now.

Leonard, you asked how Australian book publishing works over here. Because of our small population (less than 20 million people) compared to the USA, it is extremely difficult to make a living. Small populations mean small print runs (about 3,000).
 Small print runs means even smaller royalty checks. I make twice as much money from my speaking engagements at conferences than from my royalties (and I have 23 books in print.)

Books go straight to paperback unless the author is a huge name.

I suspect the sudden upsurge in creativity in the eighties was the result of a very supportive government that really backed the arts. It gave excellent tax subsidies to the film industry and swelled grants for script writers and creators all over Australia. There is no real crossover between picture book creators and the film industry, the upsurge in both was probably a result of having more money to support all art.

Unfortunately, the case is not the same now. There is a GST (tax) on books which is really pushing the price of books up and cutting into sales. And as for government funding, there is not a great deal of that - think seagulls fighting for scraps and you'll get the idea of writers at funding deadline time.

'Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it.' (Goethe)
Received on Sat 13 Jul 2002 01:58:11 AM CDT