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More Aussie writers

From: Jen McVeity <jmcveity>
Date: Fri, 19 Jul 2002 19:31:24 +1000

Hi Kim,

I know Markus's first two books are available in the USA through Scholastic - Arthur Levine's imprint. The third one should be coming out soon, Markus is editing it now. (Though the first two didn't need editing.) 'Fighting Ruben Wolf' is available on Amazon I think.

Garry Dasher is also with the Arthur Levine imprint. Someone was talking about him in another post. I read his wonderful book 'The Bamboo Flute' in one night. Then opened it up at the first page and read it straight through again. Never had a book do that to me before. Deceptively simple - yet somehow the book stays on in your mind forever.

Do you get Susanne Gervay over in the USA? 'Butterflies' and 'I am Jack are some of her earlier works. Her latest book just released here in Australia is 'The Cave'. Talk about getting inside the minds of teenage boys! It's about kids on a challenge school camp and the subtle menace of some of the males is superbly done. Can't figure out how she does it. Think 'Lord of the Flies' contrasted with huge insights into family, and wonderfully crisp, clear writing. Powerful and haunting indeed.

Mem Fox is really big over in the States isn't she? Who else are the 'big' names from Australia there?

'Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it.' (Goethe)
Received on Fri 19 Jul 2002 04:31:24 AM CDT