CCBC-Net Archives

Ms. Meeker/Kerr letter

From: jnitzwei
Date: Sun, 16 Jun 2002 17:14:21 -0500

Being a product of the 60/70's I remember bomb scares during my 7th and 8th grade years, drug delivery's at the corner by the school, kids passed out in the halls - drugs and pregnant girls. It didn't make sense then and it doesn't now. The difference is things are more accelerated and scarier and I for one believe that literature offers coping mechanisms that TV, news, cable, etc simply cannot.

In our current world things are more visual and faster paced. The more literature that is available to teens concerning things they may wish to work through the better. A student will read the book that appeals and leave behind those they are not interested in, which is different than the visual impact of tv. With TV it is right on the screen, image imprinted.

Literature promotes discussion and these topics need discussion. Thanks

Julie Anne Nitz-Weiss Program Coordinator Lincolnwood Public Library District 4000 W. Pratt Ave. Lincolnwood, IL 60712 847.677.5277 x 236 Voice 847.677.1937 FAX mailto:jnitzwei at
Received on Sun 16 Jun 2002 05:14:21 PM CDT