CCBC-Net Archives

How to create vibrant professional organizations

From: Tracy Miller <tlmiller>
Date: Mon, 24 Jun 2002 17:26:27 -0500

One of our colleagues from downunder has sent me the following questions. Since I'm working outside the states, I believe you may have more relevant answers for Jay Martin than I do. Tracy Miller Curriculum and Instruction Coordinator American School Foundation Mexico City tlmiller at

I have embarked upon a project for a teacher organisation in South Australia (PCETA [Post compulsory education and training association of SA]). I am to write a report exploring the current crisis in their organisation to do with getting teachers involved in the organisation and attending workshops etc. and to evaluate why a previously vibrant organisation is now struggling to get teachers involved with the committee.

My remit is to review how other professional organisations operate and are managed, explore benefits and drawbacks of different models and make recommendations about how to help PCETA revise its structure and approach, basically how to get teachers interested in the organisation again (all this by the end of June....)

I suspect (but could be wrong) that you are involved in a number of teacher bodies and I am interested in finding out what is happening in other countries around the world (here teachers are so busy, professional organisations suffer!). IF you have time could you look at these questions - a few thoughts is all I'm after...

1. It is similar across the professional teacher organisation board
(across the world!)- that teachers are becoming too busy to be involved? 2. If your organisation offers Professional Development/teacher training, how well attended has that been and why? 3. What approaches and strategies do the organisations you're involved with have to attract active members? 4. How are your organisations structured - executive? committees?.. 5. Do you use paid support executives to write newsletters, organise meeting etc? 6. Do you make use of the internet and a web page? (I am very interested here in what you think makes a good web page/chat site as this is one thing PCETA wants to develop)

Obviously any or all of your thoughts (if you're happy to share them) can be confidential - I won't be naming other organisations, I am just interested to get a broader picture.

Thanks! Jay Martin stevejay at
Received on Mon 24 Jun 2002 05:26:27 PM CDT