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From: jannis mindel <jamindel>
Date: Mon, 6 May 2002 14:07:47 -0500
I just completed a course in Library School on Children's Literature and read Ramona the Pest for the first time. I never read them when I was a child. I laughed out loud almost the whole way through the book. I had to read portions of it to my husband because he kept asking what was making me laugh so hard. I don't feel that the book is dated either. So many of Ramona's situations still ring true for children entering kindergarden. I found especially humorous Ramona's interpretation of the national anthem as the "dawnzer song".
Thanks, Jannis Mindel Edgewater Branch-Chicago Public Library
Received on Mon 06 May 2002 02:07:47 PM CDT
Date: Mon, 6 May 2002 14:07:47 -0500
I just completed a course in Library School on Children's Literature and read Ramona the Pest for the first time. I never read them when I was a child. I laughed out loud almost the whole way through the book. I had to read portions of it to my husband because he kept asking what was making me laugh so hard. I don't feel that the book is dated either. So many of Ramona's situations still ring true for children entering kindergarden. I found especially humorous Ramona's interpretation of the national anthem as the "dawnzer song".
Thanks, Jannis Mindel Edgewater Branch-Chicago Public Library
Received on Mon 06 May 2002 02:07:47 PM CDT