CCBC-Net Archives

Nonfiction (as defined by Lynda J. Barry)

From: Kathleen Horning <horning>
Date: Mon, 22 Apr 2002 14:16:37 -0500

As if she had been inspired by the CCBC-Net discussion this month, Lynda J. Barry's comic strip character Arna Arneson recently defined nonfiiction (from a 10 year old's perspective). There is an online version of this particular strip on the Salon site at:

Check it out for some comic relief!


Kathleen T. Horning (horning at Cooperative Children's Book Center University of Wisconsin-School of Education 4290 Helen C. White Hall 600 North Park St. Madison, WI 53706 608&3930 FAX: 608&2I33
Received on Mon 22 Apr 2002 02:16:37 PM CDT