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creative non-fiction

From: Lalicki, Barbara <barbara.lalicki>
Date: Fri, 5 Apr 2002 09:14:37 -0500

The term "creative non-fiction" makes me very uncomfortable, because for me
"creative" so strongly implies something made up or invented. Reading what I think people are trying to get at with this term makes me happy because non-fiction animated by the spark of the author's love and personal understanding of the subject and the author's way of arranging the bits and pieces he or she has unearthed in research is what makes it come alive for kids. This gives them a view of how wondrous our world is.

For books with invented scenes and dialogue, I agree with those who favor the term historical fiction? This is a genre I've always loved. From a very young age "history" was an exciting word for me, so the term "historical fiction" has no negative connotations.

I wonder if instead of "creative non-fiction" we could just say "good non-fiction" as opposed to dry, uninteresting, regurgitated "bad non-fiction."

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Received on Fri 05 Apr 2002 08:14:37 AM CST