CCBC-Net Archives

Announcement: SCBWI Program

From: Sheila Welch <sheilawelch>
Date: Tue, 30 Apr 2002 11:33:04 -0500


On Saturday June 15, 2002, from 10:30 to 3:30 there will be a program for children's authors at Highland Community College in Freeport, IL
(half an hour west of Rockford, IL). Speakers will include: Wendy McClure, editor at Albert Whitman; Carol Saller, editor with Cricket Books; Tracy Schoenle, associate editor with Cricket Books and Cricket and Cicada magazines; and Elizabeth Fama, author of Overboard, out this month from Cricket Books. Cost will be $25 for SCBWI members and $35 for nonmembers. This fee includes a boxed lunch.

The program is cosponsored by: ABC Writers, SCBWII, Highland Community College, and ShadowPlay Press.

For more information and a registration form (preregistration is required) go to after May 5.

Hope to see you there! Sheila Kelly Welch sheilawelch at
Received on Tue 30 Apr 2002 11:33:04 AM CDT