CCBC-Net Archives

creative nonfiction

From: Christine Hill <chill>
Date: Thu, 04 Apr 2002 14:19:32 -0500

I wish that, like Monica, I were finding this month's discussion illuminating. Instead, I'm getting more confused! I had thought that there was a consensus among librarians that biographical and nonfiction writing that used invented dialogue and/or invented situations should be cataloged as fiction. As such, I thought that the solution might be better communication between publishers and the Library of Congress cataloging section which creates CIP (cataloging in publication data that usually appears on the verso of the title page.) While I still think this would be a good idea, perhaps it's more complicated. I personally am with the no invented dialogue or situations in nonfiction faction. Christine M. Hill Willingboro Public Library One Salem Road Willingboro NJ 08046 chill at My new book! Ten Hispanic American Authors, Enslow, 2002
Received on Thu 04 Apr 2002 01:19:32 PM CST