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[CCBC-Net] Creative nonfiction

From: Kathy Isaacs <kisaacs>
Date: Tue, 02 Apr 2002 09:18:31 -0500

We asked the same question of my son last week as we admired a hefty thesis that is supposed to bring him an MFA from Columbia in that very subject. He reported that this had been debated long and hard in his course work, but as he attempts to explain it to others he usually defines it by the authors they read: John McPhee of course, Virginia Woolf, George Orwell.... Vivid, masterly writing is a key, here, as Jennifer Armstrong pointed out, and anyone who has read her
"Shipwreck at the Bottom of the World" would surely agree. But there is also, always, a distinctive authorial voice. In the best of this genre the author has a passion that sucks you, the reader, into the subject, even if you had no prior interest.

Ruth I Gordon wrote:

-Kathy Isaacs kisaacs at
Received on Tue 02 Apr 2002 08:18:31 AM CST