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ccbc-net digest 2 Apr 2002

From: DDPattison at <DDPattison>
Date: Tue, 2 Apr 2002 08:01:37 EST

In a message dated 4/2/2002 1:08:36 AM Central Standard Time, ccbc-net at writes:

Jennifer: To add to this, Lee Guntkind, who edits the CREATIVE NONFICTION magazine says that creative nonfiction adds scenes to narrative. The scenes must be true, of course. This addition means that the nonfiction reads more like fiction because the reader is put directly into a situation, rather than told about it.

And, of course, any non-ficiton can be told from a particular point of view--the writer has an attitude (so to speak). Non-fiction is alway an interpertation anyway. What details to include, where did you get your information, etc. In some ways, creative nonfiction is more honest about this.


-Darcy Pattison THE WAYFINDER (Greenwillow Books)
Received on Tue 02 Apr 2002 07:01:37 AM CST