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announcement-Bank Street's Picturebook award.

From: Lisa Von Drasek <lisav>
Date: Tue, 05 Mar 2002 09:57:45 -0500

The Irma S. and James H. Black Award for Excellence in Children's Literature, which commemorates Irma's achievements, has been presented annually since 1973 by Bank Street College of Education. The Award goes to an outstanding book for young children--a book in which text and illustrations are inseparable, each enhancing and enlarging on the other to produce a singular whole.

The Award is unusual in that children are the final judges of the winning book. The process is as follows: From the many children's books published each year, an adult group of writers, librarians and educators choose approximately twenty books that they consider the best candidates for the Award. These books are then sent (in four sets) to the four 8-9s and 9s classrooms at the Bank Street School for Children. Over the course of five weeks the children read and discuss all of the books before selecting four finalists. These four-?lled the Irma S. and James H. Black Honor Books--are placed in classrooms or libraries in several different schools, in New York and elsewhere. The children in these classrooms read, examine, discuss, and re-read the books over a four week period, before they select the winning book.

This years finalists are A Fine, Fine School by Sharon Creech, illustrated by Harry Bliss, Harper The Three Pigs, by David Wiesner, Clarion And The Dish Ran Away With the Spoon by Susan Crummel Stevens illustrated by Janet Stevens. Milo's Hat Trick by Jon Agee

For more information go to

A winner will be selected by mid April by over 1,000 first and second graders from 10 co-operating schools.

Irma Simonton Black was a writer and editor of children's books and a founding member (in the 1930s) of the Bank Street Writers Laboratory, which included such stars of children's literature as Margaret Wise Brown and Maurice Sendak.

Lisa Von Drasek, MLIS Children's Librarian Bank Street College of Education 610 West 112th St NY NY 10025

lisav at
Received on Tue 05 Mar 2002 08:57:45 AM CST