CCBC-Net Archives

Children's Book Fest in Rhinelander

From: Megan Schliesman <Schliesman>
Date: Fri, 04 Jan 2002 11:15:42 -0600

I've been asked to forward this message from Kris Adams Wendt of the Rhinelander (WI) District Library:

Fifteenth Annual Children's Book Fest Scheduled for March 12 and 13, 2002

Attention Northern Wisconsin, Minnesota and Upper Michigan librarians, teachers, parents, reading specialists and members of the general public who are interested in learning about the best books for young people! You are invited to attend Children's Book Fest 2002, a two day conference held at the Rhinelander Holiday Inn (Rhinelander, Wisconsin) on March 12 and 13.

Ginny Moore Kruse, Kathleen T. Horning and Megan Schliesman from the Cooperative Children's Book Center (CCBC) in Madison, Wisconsin will discuss books for children and young adults at an evening presentation on Tuesday, March 12, as well as at a day presentation on Wednesday, March 13. Both sessions will include a CCBC exhibit of the best 2001 books for young readers. Most folks choose to attend one session or the other, but you won't be turned away if you decide to stay overnight and come to both. Please note that separate registration (sent to two separate places) is required for the evening and day sessions.

Ginny, Katy, and Megan are the co-authors of CCBC CHOICES, an annual recommended best books list. Children's Book Fest participants will receive a free copy of the 100-page booklet as part of their registration package.

Complete registration information about Children's Book Fest may be received by sending an email or SASE snail mail request to the attention of Kris Adams Wendt at the address below. All registrations must be received no later than March 8. Payment must accompany each registration blank. No purchase orders, please.

The Children's Book Fest evening presentation on March 12 includes time from 4:00 to 6:30 p.m. to browse through the CCBC Book Exhibit followed by the main presentation by Kruse, Horning and Schliesman from 6:30 to 8:00 p.m.. Additional time to examine the CCBC Book Exhibit and talk with the speakers is scheduled from 8:00 to 9:00 p.m. The registration fee of $6.00 covers a copy of CCBC CHOICES, other booklists and a CCBC honorarium.

The Children's Book Fest day presentation begins on March 13 with registration and morning refreshments at 9:00 a.m. At 10:00 a.m., the speakers will discuss current trends in children's literature and present slides featuring the best books of 2001. The registration fee of
$6.00 for the day includes morning refreshments, CCBC CHOICES, other booklists and a CCBC honorarium. Participants will have the opportunity to examine the CCBC Book Exhibit during the first hour of the day and again in the afternoon following lunch on their own.

Plans include an opportunity on both March 12 and 13 for individuals to purchase award-winning books highlighted by the speakers through an independent arrangement with Brown Street Books of Rhinelander. However, as there is no available space for additional vendors or exhibits all inquiries along these lines will be answered with a polite, but firm "no thank you."

Telephone inquiries for the Wednesday presentation may be made to Kris at the Rhinelander District Library Children's Dept. phone and email below. More information about the Tuesday presentation is available from Headwaters Reading Council members Joan Belongia Mode belonjoa at 715/365?20 (day) or 715/362844 (evening).

This is the fifteenth year that Headwaters Reading Council, the School District of Rhinelander and the Rhinelander District Library have invited the Cooperative Children's Book Center staff to bring the newest and best books for young people to Northern Wisconsin. Additional assistance is received from the Indianhead Federated Library System, Northern Waters Library Service and Wisconsin Valley Library Service.

PLEASE NOTE: During the past year, the Rhinelander conference facility has become a Holiday Inn Express with no food service. Rather than pass a significant cost increase to registrants for a catered in meal, Children's Book Fest co-chairs decided not to provide a soup and sandwich buffet on Tuesday night and Wednesday noon as they have in the past. 2002 registration costs have been reduced by half to reflect the change and participants are encouraged to patronized Rhinelander restaurants.

A GOOD HUMORED DISCLAIMER: Children's Book Fest is organized and administered on a purely voluntary basis by a dedicated coalition of children's book lovers which rises out of the mists annually like
"Brigadoon" and has virtually no clerical support . Mass mailings of registration information are sent out as an in-kind contribution by the three co-sponsoring public library systems mentioned above to their member libraries only. No other mass mailing lists are maintained or used from one year to the next in order to keep registration costs at an affordable level.

We are likewise not equipped to provide registration confirmations or verification of attendance for the 300 plus registrants. Cancelled checks serve as receipts.

Please pardon duplicate postings.

Kris Adams Wendt Associate Director Rhinelander District Library 106 N. Stevens St. Rhinelander, WI 54501 kwendt at 715/36570 dept. 715/36582 extension 715/36576 fax
Received on Fri 04 Jan 2002 11:15:42 AM CST