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[CCBC-Net] The awards

From: Denise I. Matulka <dimatulka>
Date: Tue, 22 Jan 2002 17:17:44 +0800

Robin Smith wrote:

I agree with Robin in many respects. While so system is perfect, here are my thoughts about revamping the ALA award system:

1. Awards are given TWO years after publication. This would allow for ALL titles published in a given year receive full evaluation. It would also give the committee time to digest thoroughly evaluate titles--and reread as many times as needed.

2. The committee should work from a short list determined by ALL current ALSC/YALSA members have agreed upon. If a particular book is not on the short list, then no matter no deeply a committee member feels, it is not eligible.

3. I am always uneasy that the number of awards given changes from year to year
(e.g. 3 Newbery this year, 5 in 2001, nd 2 in 1999). This deeply affects the validity of the award for me. It smacks of political struggle....

4. AND MY STRONGEST RECOMMENDATION: Genres be set and awards given for best realistic, best science fiction, best fantasy, best historical, etc..... As a lover of historical (pre 20th century), fantasy, mystery, and magical realism I am disappointed that so few are acknowledged. Think back to Tuck Everlasting and more recently, The Folk Keeper

Denise I. Matulka Graduate School of Library and Information Sciences University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign dimatulka at matulka at
(217) 332F22 Imaginary Lands: Promoting Children's Literature
Received on Tue 22 Jan 2002 03:17:44 AM CST