CCBC-Net Archives


From: Annette Y Goldsmith <ayg1>
Date: Thu, 24 Jan 2002 22:41:09 -0500

Further to Arthur Levine's comments, I'd like to remind people that a good way to find out about all those books just waiting to be translated into English is to look at the White Ravens list produced annually by the International Youth Library, on the Web at (Look for "White Ravens" in the frame on the left.) These are the books they display at their booth at Bologna. The White Ravens are books the IYL staff consider worthy of translation/greater notice.

Also, don't forget the International Board on Books for Young People
( Join your national chapter of IBBY (that's USBBY for Americans --, get a subscription to Bookbird and you'll have a good idea of what's going on in the wider world of children's books. You'll also be supporting an organization dedicated to promoting tolerance and international understanding through children's books.

Annette Goldsmith Editor, The Looking Glass ( ayg1 at (that's a "one", not an "el", after the "ayg")
Received on Thu 24 Jan 2002 09:41:09 PM CST