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Science books

From: Dean Schneider <schneiderd>
Date: Sun, 16 Dec 2001 14:31:48 -0600

Darcy asked Walter about science books, so I thought I'd jump in with a few of my own favorites:

Dorothy Hinshaw Patent's Charles Darwin: The Life of a Revolutionary Thinker.

Laurence Pringle's A Dragon in the Sky

Picture Books:

The Dinosaurs of Waterhouse Hawkins - Kerley/Selznick

Bat Loves the Night by Nicola Davies, illus. by Sarah Fox?vies. I'm not a big fan of bats, but I like this book. Fine writing, lots of information, and beautiful watercolor and pencil illustrations.

One Tiny Turtle - also by Nicola Davies, illus. by Jane Chapman

Dean Schneider Ensworth School Nashville, TN 37205 schneiderd at
Received on Sun 16 Dec 2001 02:31:48 PM CST