CCBC-Net Archives

Outcomes of CCBC Coretta Scott King Discussion

From: Ginny Moore Kruse <gmkruse>
Date: Wed, 12 Dec 2001 15:59:57 -0600

The annual CCBC Coretta Scott King Awards Discussion was held on December 11 in the Elizabeth Burr Conference Room of the Cooperative Children's Book Center. The CCBC hosted this book discussion in partnership with the Madison Metropolitan School District.

The outcomes are:


Winner: "The Land" written by Mildred D. Taylor (Phyllis Fogelman Books).

Honor Book: "Carver: A Life in Poems" written by Marilyn Nelson
(Front Street)


Winner: "The Other Side" illustrated by E.B. Lewis and written by Jacqueline Woodson
(Putnam, 2001).

Honor Book: "Goin' Someplace Special" illustrated by Jerry Pinkney and written by Patricia C. McKissack (An Anne Schwartz Book / Atheneum).

More information about the Coretta Scott King Awards can be found at: The 2002 Awards will be announced on Martin Luther King Day, which is on Monday morning, January 21. The awards will be announced during the American Library Association Conference in New Orleans.

BACKGROUND ON CCBC BOOK DISCUSSIONS IN GENERAL Each year the CCBC staff hosts book discussions designed to examine a few of the books eligible for various national awards. The discussion list doesn't begin to represent the possiblities.

The complete list of books discussed can be found at:

We always spend some time talking about the purpose and criteria for each award, and about what causes a book to be either eligible or ineligible for the award. We also talk about the balloting method the actual committee uses. We then discuss several books, using CCBC Book Discussion Guidelines, and after that we ballot, using the method discussed earlier.

Ginny Moore Kruse gmkruse at Cooperative Children's Book Center A Library of the School of Education, University of Wisconsin Madison
Received on Wed 12 Dec 2001 03:59:57 PM CST