CCBC-Net Archives

New Harry Potter Information on the CCBC Web Site

From: Ginny Moore Kruse <gmkruse>
Date: Mon, 03 Dec 2001 15:31:31 -0600

Visit the CCBC web site for these new and/or revised web pages related to the Harry Potter books all created and updated by CCBC web site manager Kathleen T. Horning.

1) The Sugar Quill is the Link of the Month Harry Potter websites keep getting bigger, better, and more creative every day. "The Sugar Quill" is an extensive collection of Harry Potter fanfiction which provides not only archive space for writers but a beta service
(editing), links to resources for writers, information about the books and characters, a glossary, and discussion boards that allow for interaction among writers and readers, all done very much in the spirit of Hogwarts, with Madam Pince in charge of acquisitions. Whether you're a writer or reader, expect to spend hours here.

2) Selected Harry Potter Links on the World Wide Web - Since July 1999, dozens of Harry Potter web pages have sprung up all across the world wide web, most of them created by young fans. Here you will find a selection of links, based on an original list compiled by Kathleen T. Horning for the "Unofficial Harry Potter Fan Page." Selections here have been made based on quality, authority, currency, and originality. It is not meant to be exhaustive, but rather to show the range of pages that have been created thus far, with a special emphasis on pages by children for children.

3) Harry Potter around the World - This popular web page contains scanned images of book jackets from Harry Potter books in many nations of the world. The first page of each edition is replicated, making it possible to see or even read a Harry Potter book in the language of that nation.

4) Selected Reviews, Articles and Interviews from Varying Viewpoints
- An invaluable collection of information offers a wide range of professional and personal perspectives about the Harry Potter books.

Ginny Moore Kruse gmkruse at Cooperative Children's Book Center A Library of the School of Education, University of Wisconsin Madison
Received on Mon 03 Dec 2001 03:31:31 PM CST