CCBC-Net Archives

Even More Favorites

From: Dean Schneider <schneiderd>
Date: Mon, 10 Dec 2001 08:23:44 -0600

More picture books I have liked this year include:

The Shark God by Rafe Martin, illus. by David Shannon. What great, dramatic illustrations. Striking cover!

Sun Dance, Water Dance by Jonathan London, illus. by Greg Couch I was quite taken by the gorgeous, wild watercolors and scenes in this ode to summertime. It truly captures the feeling of hot summertime, and the lively, poetic prose is a perfect match for the art. Great for reading aloud, and a good model for students' poetry writing. This is a book that could be overlooked, but it's a lot of fun.

The Christmas Promise by Susan Bartoletti, illus. by David Christiana. A good book about the Depression era, along with Bonnie Christensen's Woody Guthrie: Poet of the People.

Dean Schneider Ensworth School Nashville, TN 37205 schneiderd at
Received on Mon 10 Dec 2001 08:23:44 AM CST