CCBC-Net Archives

Another Favorite

From: Dean Schneider <schneiderd>
Date: Wed, 12 Dec 2001 07:43:51 -0600

One of the best, perhaps the best written, history books this year is Natalie Bober's Countdown to Independence: A Revolution of Ideas in England and Her American Colonies: 176076. Linnea referred to it back on Dec. 4 as one her favorites, too. It's a big, well?signed, and beautifully written history with the premise taken from John Adams: that the Revolution was not the war; it was in the minds of the people, a revolution of ideas; the war was only the consequence. Bober takes a "bi-focal" view of the time period, alternating back and forth from events in the colonies to events in England, culminating in the Continental Congress and the writing of the Declaration of Independence. This and her previous biographies of Abigail Adams and Thomas Jefferson, and her role in Ken Burns' documentary on the Revolution, make Natalie Bober one of the premier writers of history for young people.

Linnea wondered if this is a book 14-year-olds will read. I wondered the same thing. But I know if I taught history in high school, I would be sure to teach it. It's one of several excellent books about the American Revolution written recently. I wonder how many of these fine works are making their way into classrooms, especially ones like Countdown to Independence that would be great for the older reader.

Dean Schneider Ensworth School Nashville, TN 37205 schneiderd at
Received on Wed 12 Dec 2001 07:43:51 AM CST