CCBC-Net Archives

October Wrap-Up: Thank you!

From: Megan Schliesman <Schliesman>
Date: Thu, 01 Nov 2001 08:31:33 -0600

It's time to wrap up our October discussion on books for newly independent and skilled younger readers. Thank you all for the suggestions, ideas and opinions you shared on this important topic.

I not only feel that I have more practical suggestions for my professional work and personal life, but--perhaps even more important--I also many ideas to contemplate about issues that relate to connecting young readers with engaging books--books we hope will help foster a lifelong joy of reading.

Now is the time for you to post announcements about upcoming events or other information you'd like to share with the CCBC-Net community. In a few days, we will begin our November discusson on the books of Sylvia Engdahl's Enchantress of the Stars and other science fiction and fantasy.


Megan Schliesman, Librarian Cooperative Children's Book Center School of Education UW-Madison 608&2?03 schliesman at
Received on Thu 01 Nov 2001 08:31:33 AM CST