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From: Mercado, Nancy <NMercado>
Date: Wed, 7 Nov 2001 15:33:39 -0500

I am so glad we are discussing this book!

I got a review copy of the newly reissued book from Walker earlier this year and immediately fell in love with the new Leo and Diane Dillon art. However, I am not normally a huge fan of sci fi or fantasy
(well, THAT has changed!) and so I didn't pick up the book for some time.... but, eventually the cover and endorsement by Madeleine L'engle won me over.

Once I finished I could not stop gushing to everyone I knew! I couldn't believe that so many people had not read this magical book...that I hadn't read it as a kid....that it wasn't in the cannon of children's lit (i.e. wasn't on required reading lists etc...)!

I, too, loved the three person narrative but even more, I loved the how each

perspective showed how completely subjective are our own realities. Each world in Enchantress from the Stars has their own firm set of beliefs and rules. And the beauty of the book is how is shows that each reality is no less "real" than the other. I never felt like Georyn was portrayed in an unflattering light because his culture was seemingly more "primitive" than that of the Enchantress...

The book never talks down to it's readers. It forces them to think deeply about the philosophical themes in the book. In that way, it brought to mind the days when there really were no children's books...when children were read Dickens and Shakespeare. I think it's the type of book from which children and adults could really benefit. My life was changed by reading it.

On a very girlish level, I was also very captivated by the love story between Elana and Georyn. I cheered for them the whole time...even though I knew the odds were probably against it!

I feel very lucky because I was able to buy this book for use on the Scholastic Book Clubs. Much like Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card, this book made me realize how meaningful science fiction and fantasy can be.

Whew! Anyway, thanks for the discussion topic. I've been waiting for some time to talk to a captive audience about this one!

______________________ Nancy Mercado Book Club Manager/Editor Scholastic Inc.
Received on Wed 07 Nov 2001 02:33:39 PM CST