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Picture Books
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From: Tina Hudak <tinahudak>
Date: Wed, 24 Oct 2001 10:03:05 +0000
I read picture books to my upper grades too, 6-8 from time to time. I tell them this is why they are "E" for everybody! Plus I encourage them to look at the far, their favorite is the Mysteries of Harris Burdock (Van Allsburg) which inspired the 7th grade to do a great illustration/writing a scarry story project. I also remind all my kids, that adults (parents) like to be read to...
Tina Hudak, SLMS St. Bernard's School K-8 5811 Riverdale Road Riverdale, Maryland 20737 301.864.3801 tinahudak at
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Received on Wed 24 Oct 2001 05:03:05 AM CDT
Date: Wed, 24 Oct 2001 10:03:05 +0000
I read picture books to my upper grades too, 6-8 from time to time. I tell them this is why they are "E" for everybody! Plus I encourage them to look at the far, their favorite is the Mysteries of Harris Burdock (Van Allsburg) which inspired the 7th grade to do a great illustration/writing a scarry story project. I also remind all my kids, that adults (parents) like to be read to...
Tina Hudak, SLMS St. Bernard's School K-8 5811 Riverdale Road Riverdale, Maryland 20737 301.864.3801 tinahudak at
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Received on Wed 24 Oct 2001 05:03:05 AM CDT