CCBC-Net Archives

[CCBC-Net] Helping Children to Cope

From: Karen Radtke <Kradtk>
Date: Fri, 14 Sep 2001 11:20:22 -0500

Secondly, as for coping books, until this week I never had to deal firsthand with children and vast tragedy such as the one that happened to us here in New York on Tuesday. However, I had always suspected that mostchildren directly affected in such an event would prefer books that NOTdeal with coping, but something normal, even funny. At any rate, I understand the desperate wish to do something, but books are just not always the best vehicle. In fact, they could be just the opposite."

   I've never subscribed to the bibliotherapy aspects of books myself. Books don't make people kill and books can't take away grief. But good books can explain in words you may not have been able to express yourself, how you feel and how others feel. I do not personally know anyone who has died, yet their stories have deeply touched me. There are many things this country will need to consider as it heals, and people will turn to books, newspapers and other medias, to find these answers. They all ready are. As a public librarian I have found what books, etc. I could to answer some of these questions.
    I also worry about the Muslim children in America and have talked to my own children about this situation as they watch adults on television say unspeakable things to these innocent bystanders.
    I have bookmarked the lists offered by CCBC participants and will certainly offer these books to parents and teachers who want to help their children understand the events of the past few days.

Karen Radtke Milwaukee Public Library Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Received on Fri 14 Sep 2001 11:20:22 AM CDT