CCBC-Net Archives

Popular Annual CCBC Workshop Begins Soon

From: Ginny Moore Kruse <gmkruse>
Date: Tue, 04 Sep 2001 15:03:56 -0500

There's still time to register, and you may register at the door! Tell your friends...

New Children's Books Too Good to Miss Two Thursdays and two Mondays in the CCBC (4290 H.C. White Hall, Corner N. Park & Observatory Drive, UW-Madison) September 6, 13, 24 and October 1, 2001 6-8 p.m.
$49 0.8 CEU and 8 DPI clock hours

Leader: Ginny Moore Kruse with guest appearances by Kathleen T. Horning and Megan Schliesman

This workshop features an opportunity for area school & public librarians and teachers at all levels to hear about and personally examine some of the many outstanding books published within the past 18 months.

Presentations about newly published books include an emphasis on Wisconsin authors, artists, and subjects; new reference materials about children's and young adult literature and superb new books for very young children.

One of the unique aspects of this popular workshop involves group discussion of several of several of the newest, most provocative books of this year, along with chances for participants to hear from each other as to which books seem most valuable and useful.

Extensive print handouts and hands-on book exhibits are popular features of this annual workshop with hundreds of books displayed each week - and time for each person to examine them personally. Some of the books featured along with CCBC Choices 2001 include Notable Social Studies Trade Books, Outstanding Science Trade Books, winners of major awards, and other outstanding books published during the year 2000 such as Booklist Editors' Choices; ALA Notables, Quick Picks & Best Books for Young Adults; Americas and Coretta Scott King Award winners; Jane Addams Award & Honor Books; School Library Journal Best Books of the Year; Horn Book Fanfare Selections; Bulletin Blue Ribbon Books; best books of the year according to Riverbank Review and Book Links and others!

Questions? Contact Ginny Kruse about content. Contact Linda Mundt to register: LEmundt at Linda will connect you with the last-minute directions for registration at the door if not beforehand. Registration is necessary, and the fee is $49.00.

see or contact Linda Mundt, LEMundt at

Linda Mundt School of Library and Information Studies University of Wisconsin-Madison 600 N. Park Street, Room 4263 Madison, WI 53706
Received on Tue 04 Sep 2001 03:03:56 PM CDT