CCBC-Net Archives

Sports Books for Young Children?

From: Ginny Moore Kruse <gmkruse>
Date: Sat, 08 Sep 2001 17:53:40 -0500

Thanks, Zehava Cohn, for sharing your enthusiasm about the book Dance by Susan Kuklin with Bill T. Jones. I also admire Dance very much. I'm happy to see Susan Kuklin's fantastic photography in the newly published Hoops with Swoopes, mentioned last week by Katy Horning.

Perhaps most of the CCBC-Net community became dazed by all of the announcements we fired off a few days ago over the long weekend. I'm guilty of sending most of them. This is the time of year when we all get back into gear, and when new programs and opportunities are there for us all to consider. Thanks, everyone, who shared an announcement last week. (CCBC-Net announcement time: the first and last days of the month, but sometimes we're not at our desks when those dates occur.)

I'm going to venture the guess that Katy's fine message opening our September discussion was overlooked by most of you midst all of the other announcements. That's why I've copied it (below) for you to see again - or for the first time? Did Katy actually name ALL of the sports books for young children in just a few paragraphs? We know there are few, but not that few! Are there others, new or tried-and-true, you want to bring to the attention of the CCBC-Net community? Or do you want to comment on the responses of younger children to any of the Gail Gibbons books, for example? - Ginny

KATY'S MESSAGE (sent 9/4/01) : We'd like to open the discussion, however, by talking about some books for younger children. It's always a challenge to find good books on this high-interest topic for preschool and early elementary-aged children. What are some of the books you most highly recommend for there young readers?

As for myself, last year's wonderful 4-volume series by Gail Gibbons
(My Baseball Book, My Basketball Book, My Football Book, and My Soccer Book), published by HarperCollins were among the most popular books with teachers and librarians visiting the CCBC (Not to mentioned he children they served.) We hope, at some point to see MY Hockey Book, perhaps even My Golf Book with the increasing attention on golf, thanks to Mr. Woods.

This year, we've also admired Susan Kuklin's "Hoops with Swoopes"
(Jump at the Sun / Hyperion), which was reviewed by Megan Schliesman as a Book of the Week on May 28. Megan's review is now available in the Book of the Week Archive at:

What recent, or tried-and-true, books have you come across that you especially like to recommend to very young sports enthusiasts?

Kathleen T. Horning (horning at Cooperative Children's Book Center University of Wisconsin-School of Education 4290 Helen C. White Hall 600 North Park St. Madison, WI 53706 608&3930 FAX: 608&2I33
Received on Sat 08 Sep 2001 05:53:40 PM CDT