CCBC-Net Archives

[CCBC-Net] Response to Tuesday's Tragedy

From: Laura Tillotson <ltillotson>
Date: Fri, 14 Sep 2001 10:05:02 -0500

We've added a couple of links to previously published Book Links articles to our home page, one on coping with violence and one on Arabs and Arab Americans. Our home page is at Also, ALSC has posted a bibliography of related books. The web address for that list is Hats off to all of you out in the field this week who are helping kids deal with their fears and concerns. Laura

Laura Tillotson, Editor Book Links American Library Association 50 E. Huron Chicago, IL 60611 phone: 312(0W18 fax: 31237g87
Received on Fri 14 Sep 2001 10:05:02 AM CDT