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Fwd: from Adele Geras....

From: Jonathan Hunt <jhunt24>
Date: Tue, 18 Sep 2001 16:15:11

Forwarded with permission from Adele Geras.

The first thing to say is: there are no words to express the horror of what happened on Tuesday, and in front of the eyes of the world. I hope very much there's some way (I'm very low-tech here and silly about things like posting messages on websites!) you can tell everyone there how much our hearts here go out to them. We've not moved from our sofas for four days and the sights require a Homer to write about them. I listen to the radio also, and record it while I'm watching TV and we've had dozens and dozens of vox pops which bring tears to the eyes each time. The gallantry and courage of every single person is breathtaking....New Yorkers as usual being amazing....and the city, the city. It all beggars belief. We know a bit about this in Manchester, which is where I am. The IRA exploded a bomb in the centre of town here some years ago and there were no human casualties, which was a piece of great good fortune. But what suprised me when I saw the damage was exactly how much it HURT, this destruction of the fabric of a place. The stones. The glass. How much they meant to us without our even being aware of it. Awful.

Of course, the human disaster is so great that it dwarfs what's happened to the buildings, but oh, that skyline which was part of all our imaginations from a thousand movies...the Bronx is up and the Battery's down...whether we've seen it in the flesh or not. A hideous wound, and hideous to behold, that gap. Liberty stands, though. She's still there, holding the torch.

As to the astonishing bravery of the firemen, cops, ordinary people...what can you say? As I say, it'd require a Homer to do justice to it. For the moment, Ares is abroad, covering everything with that black cloak of his...he's never really rested since Trojan times, has he?

In any case, I'm so pleased that TROY has been of some comfort to you. It's quite the best thing that anyone has said about this book, and I'm very grateful to you.

Take care, and accept from over here sincere condolences for this tragedy.

All best,


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Received on Tue 18 Sep 2001 04:15:11 PM CDT