CCBC-Net Archives

Year of the Boar

From: Ruth I Gordon <druthgo>
Date: Mon, 10 Sep 2001 14:02:24 -0700

I am rarely anywhere close to p.c.-ism, but Year of the Boar, etc., etc., is really insulting. "Rucky strikes"--or whatever. I have heard large amounts of unhappiness with that "dialectical" immaterialsim.

"Thank you, Jackie Robinson, " on the other baseball mitt, is splendid, human, and can open a reader/listener to thoughtful appraisal.

Marilyn Sachs wrote a few pict. bk baseball stories some years ago--illustrated by Hilary Knight, if I recall. Her hero was a female-?ughter of a great player.

Nancy Drew never engaged in sport of any kinds--except for driving her coupe and running her long fingers through her golden hair.

Now--we have a baseball game in these parts tonight and I must continue to cross my fingers for luck so will sign off.


"You may not be able to change the world, but at least you can embarrass the guilty." Jessica Mitford (191796)
Received on Mon 10 Sep 2001 04:02:24 PM CDT