CCBC-Net Archives

disturbing the universe

From: Farida S.Dowler <farida>
Date: 4 Aug 2001 11:46:49 -0700

When Cormier wrote THE CHOCOLATE WAR, he "disturbed the universe" of literature. The best children's literature infuses us with courage while the worst shoots cliches akin to "if you just set your mind to it, you can accomplish anything." There are children and young adults who, due to economic backgrounds, racial prejudices, and other unfair elements that get thrown at them, will not see their full potential realized. Sometimes it is hard to see beyond immediate failure. THE CHOCOLATE WAR was one of the first books that shook the idea that success was guaranteed merely by doing one's best. I do not think the story is prescription for what _should_ be, i.e. deciding that it is better not to question authority and resist the oppressor. Rather, it is an acknowledgement that evil exists, and that its most potent tool is silent complicity.

Farida S. Dowler Seattle, WA farida at

"I like a story with a bad moral."--Thomas Hardy
Received on Sat 04 Aug 2001 01:46:49 PM CDT