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From: Jeffrey Canton <jeffrey_canton>
Date: Fri, 24 Aug 2001 10:47:06 -0700 (PDT)
I've only recently discovered the real depths in Cormier's fiction -- I am still so stunned by the power of I am the Cheese for example or the artful craftsmanship which Karen points out in her posting. What I marvel in Cormier is the sheer artistry -there are moments in The Chocolate War that sing so finely wrought are they -- images, metaphors that will stick with me as I delve a little deeper into the worlds that he's created.
What moves me most about The Chocolate Wars is what seems to have irritated others -- Jerry's stubborn stance not to sell the chocolates. An earlier poster asked whether or not Jerry was a tragic hero and I can certainly see him in this light -- taking a stance against conformity but approaching it with such fervour that he stands alone -- almost like the cheese in the Farmer in the Dell. But I also think that Cormier is saying that such rigidity on Jerry's part isn't the answer either -- the hope that resides in both Chocolate Wars and its fine sequel is rather in battling conformity with like-minded allies -standing alone isn't necessarily the answer either.
But I have to admit that the book that I am most overwhelmed by is I am the Cheese and I would be interested to hear what others think about this book.
Jeffrey Canton Toronto
====Jeffrey Canton 54 Fenwick Avenue Toronto, ON M4K 3H3 416F1717
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Received on Fri 24 Aug 2001 12:47:06 PM CDT
Date: Fri, 24 Aug 2001 10:47:06 -0700 (PDT)
I've only recently discovered the real depths in Cormier's fiction -- I am still so stunned by the power of I am the Cheese for example or the artful craftsmanship which Karen points out in her posting. What I marvel in Cormier is the sheer artistry -there are moments in The Chocolate War that sing so finely wrought are they -- images, metaphors that will stick with me as I delve a little deeper into the worlds that he's created.
What moves me most about The Chocolate Wars is what seems to have irritated others -- Jerry's stubborn stance not to sell the chocolates. An earlier poster asked whether or not Jerry was a tragic hero and I can certainly see him in this light -- taking a stance against conformity but approaching it with such fervour that he stands alone -- almost like the cheese in the Farmer in the Dell. But I also think that Cormier is saying that such rigidity on Jerry's part isn't the answer either -- the hope that resides in both Chocolate Wars and its fine sequel is rather in battling conformity with like-minded allies -standing alone isn't necessarily the answer either.
But I have to admit that the book that I am most overwhelmed by is I am the Cheese and I would be interested to hear what others think about this book.
Jeffrey Canton Toronto
====Jeffrey Canton 54 Fenwick Avenue Toronto, ON M4K 3H3 416F1717
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Received on Fri 24 Aug 2001 12:47:06 PM CDT