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[CCBC-Net] Cormier and Hope

From: Jeffrey Canton <jeffrey_canton>
Date: Wed, 22 Aug 2001 09:11:56 -0700 (PDT)

The marvellous thing about a book is that you can put it down, you can stop reading, you can say, "This isn't for me." No one holds a gun at a reader's head and says, "Finish this book or you're dead." No one says if you don't read this book, there's no hope for you.

I believe that for every reader that The Chocolate Wars repels, there's another reader who is so moved by this book as to pick up another Cormier title and to fall under this powerful wordsmith's spell. You cannot comment -- humble opinion or not -- on something you don't have the experience of and it's obvious from your posts that you haven't read this man's work. Having read The Choclate War isn't enough, Ruksana, to make the kind of judgement on this man's work that you are making -- to read one book as a whole oevre? Your own book would never have been possible without Cormier and Hinton and Salinger and all those other pioneers -- who wrote about the real life that teens live and not just fantasies. Think about that when you think about what Cormier has to offer.

Jeffrey Canton Toronto, Canada

====Jeffrey Canton 54 Fenwick Avenue Toronto, ON M4K 3H3 416F1717

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Received on Wed 22 Aug 2001 11:11:56 AM CDT