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Announcement: Mem Fox at Bank Street!
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From: Lisa Von Drasek <lisav>
Date: Wed, 01 Aug 2001 13:15:45 -0400
September, 13th 7pm Mem Fox will be at Bank Street College of Education to talk about the importance of reading aloud to children. Join us as she shares practical advice and ideas from her new book Reading Magic: Why Reading Aloud to Our Children Will Change Their Lives Forever. All of her books for children and adults will be available for purchase. A book signing will follow the discussion. Call for reservations. 212g854
Lisa Von Drasek, MLIS Children's Librarian Bank Street College of Education 610 West 112th St NY NY 10025
lisav at
Received on Wed 01 Aug 2001 12:15:45 PM CDT
Date: Wed, 01 Aug 2001 13:15:45 -0400
September, 13th 7pm Mem Fox will be at Bank Street College of Education to talk about the importance of reading aloud to children. Join us as she shares practical advice and ideas from her new book Reading Magic: Why Reading Aloud to Our Children Will Change Their Lives Forever. All of her books for children and adults will be available for purchase. A book signing will follow the discussion. Call for reservations. 212g854
Lisa Von Drasek, MLIS Children's Librarian Bank Street College of Education 610 West 112th St NY NY 10025
lisav at
Received on Wed 01 Aug 2001 12:15:45 PM CDT