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[CCBC-Net] Jim Murphy responds to Concerns about Blizzard!

From: Nina Lindsay <linds_na>
Date: Tue, 13 Mar 2001 09:21:13 -0800 (PST)

Dianne-Thanks for passing on the response from Jim Murphy! As you can see, several readers cued in on this part of the text; it was the one part that bothered me. But I was able to definitively check other sources, and saw that he did seem to be meticulous with his paraphrasing, so I let it ride. It's just that fictionalizing for the sake of dramatic tension is such a "tradition" in history lit for children. It's very hard to figure out how much of it an author is doing, yet it bears tremendously on how the book should be used with/presented to kids. Jim Murphy seems to me one of the few who can write such dramatic honest-to-goodness history. Congratulations on such a fine book!


Nina Lindsay, Children's Librarian Oakland Public Library, CA linds_na at
Received on Tue 13 Mar 2001 11:21:13 AM CST