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RIF Books
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From: Susan Barnard <SBarnard>
Date: Tue, 6 Feb 2001 11:53:50 -0600
I realize this is off the subject of the month but if anyone out there has an idea, I'd really appreciate some help. I have been helping our RIF coordinator select books for the distributions. We don't have any trouble finding titles for the K-4 students. But good books for 5th-8th grade students are almost impossible to find in the catalogs. There's always Goosebumps to fall back on but ...
I'd like to know what other schools do to solve or prevent this problem.
Thanks! Susan Barnard Algoma Schools Algoma, Wisconsin
Received on Tue 06 Feb 2001 11:53:50 AM CST
Date: Tue, 6 Feb 2001 11:53:50 -0600
I realize this is off the subject of the month but if anyone out there has an idea, I'd really appreciate some help. I have been helping our RIF coordinator select books for the distributions. We don't have any trouble finding titles for the K-4 students. But good books for 5th-8th grade students are almost impossible to find in the catalogs. There's always Goosebumps to fall back on but ...
I'd like to know what other schools do to solve or prevent this problem.
Thanks! Susan Barnard Algoma Schools Algoma, Wisconsin
Received on Tue 06 Feb 2001 11:53:50 AM CST