CCBC-Net Archives

Angus... + Printz Award Criteria

From: Ginny Moore Kruse <gmkruse>
Date: Sun, 18 Feb 2001 16:31:45 -0600

It's good to read Cassie Wilson's appreciation of "Angus, Thongs and Full-Frontal Snogging: Confessions of Georgia Nicolson" by Louise Rennison.

Within her comments, Cassie wrote, "I can't get past thinking that the book or the author is British and not eligible for the Printz, or is this award different? I don't know anything about the book or author's background, but that was another reason I was surprised to see it on the list."

Cassie, you're correct. This novel was first published in the U.K., and so was "Kit's Wilderness." The Printz Award criteria state, in part that "Books previously published in another country are eligible
(presuming an American edition has been published during the period of eligibility.)"

For more information eligibilty for the ALA/YALSA Michael L. Printz Award, visit Everything is spelled out there. Acutally, the entire section of the ALA/YALSA web site devoted to the Printz Award is full of background information and well worth more than one visit.

Cassie also wrote, "I was, though, surprised to see it in the list of otherwise very, very serious Printz winners and thought the committee might have included it just for balance, which the list needed. Up to four honor books may be selected."

I doubt that any reliable award committee looking at "literary excellence"would choose one or another type of writing in order to balance a list of honor books.

In looking up information so I could respond to Cassie's questions, I found that if in some year the Printz Award Committee finds that no book is worthy of the award, it is possible not to name a winner. I'm personally very glad to read that this option is available to the committee. This is quite different from formal instructions for the Newbery and Caldecott Award Committees who must name winners each year regardless of whether or not a particular committee finds that there is no book worthy of one of those awards.

I'm sure that some within the CCBC-Net community have served on either the first or second Printz Award Committee. Do you have something to add about the award? - Ginny

Ginny Moore Kruse gmkruse at Cooperative Children's Book Center A Library of the School of Education, University of Wisconsin Madison
Received on Sun 18 Feb 2001 04:31:45 PM CST