CCBC-Net Archives

Discussion of Outstanding New Latino Books for Children &

From: Ginny Moore Kruse <gmkruse>
Date: Thu, 01 Feb 2001 07:36:16 -0600

The CCBC Am?ricas Award Discussion will be held on Tuesday, March 6, 2001, from 5:10-9:10 p.m. in the Elizabeth Burr Room at the CCBC.

This discussion will give participants the opportunity to read and talk about some of the outstanding Latino literature published for children and young adults in the United States in 2000. The discussion is open to any interested adult, including UW-Madison students, academic staff, & faculty; public and school librarians; teachers at all levels; and others.

This evening will involve a brief introduction to the Am?ricas Award by Award Coordinator Julie Kline who is the Outreach and Academic Program Coordinator, Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies at UW-Milwaukee jkline at Julie's remarks will be followed by a discussion of each book. A straw ballot will be taken after the books have been discussed to determine the consensus of the group as to outstanding books in each of the two categories.

The discussion will be conducted by one of the CCBC librarians using CCBC Book Discussion Guidelines CCBC Librarian Kathleen Horning is chair of the 2001 Am?ricas Award jury.

It is expected that prior to attending the Am?ricas Award Book Discussion on March 6, all participants will read the books on the Reading List (see below). Copies of the books on this list are on reserve at the CCBC Reference Desk. Books may be read in the CCBC or borrowed on an overnight basis.

There is no charge for anyone registering for this discussion through the CCBC. Individuals who register through their school district or library system, etc., in order to receive professional development credit might be charged by their own institution or agency.

Metered parking for the entire evening is available in the Lower Level parking garage under Helen C. White Hall. (Bring lots of quarters. Notice: it's the LOWER Level in which we're encouraging you to park your vehicle.) Evening parking is also available in the nearby Lake St. Ramp (allow 10 minutes to walk to the CCBC). We encouage car-pooling for all of the usual reasons - green and otherwise.


1) Alvarez, Julia. The Secret Footprints. Illustrated by Fabian Negrin. (Knopf, 2000) 32 pages

2) Anaya, Rudolfo. Elegy on the Death of C?sar Ch?vez. Illustrated by Gaspar Enriquez. (Cinco Puntos, 2000) 32 pages

3) Herrera, Juan Felipe. The Upside Down Boy / El ni?o de cabeza. Illustrated by Elizabeth G?mez. (Children's Book Press, 2000) 32 pages

4) Jim?nez, Francisco. The Christmas Gift / El regalo de Navidad. Illustrated by Claire B. Cotts. (Houghton Mifflin, 2000) 32 pages

5) Per?z, Amada Irma. My Very Own Room / Mi propio cuartito. Illustrated by Maya Christina Gonzalez. (Children's Book Press, 2000) 32 pages

6) Sk?rmeta, Antonio. The Composition. Illustrated by Alfonso Ruano. (Groundwood, 2000). 32 pages


7) Delacre, Lulu. Salsa Stories. (Scholastic Press, 2000) 105 pages

8) Joseph, Lynn. The Color of My Words. (Joanna Cotler / HarperCollins, 2000) 138 pages

9) Ryan, Pam Mu?oz. Esperanza Rising. (Scholastic Press, 2000) 262 pages

10) Winick, Judd. Pedro and Me: Friendship, Loss, and What I Learned. (Henry Holt, 2000) 187 pages

The books on this Discussion list are not necessarily recommended by the CCBC. This list was compiled at the CCBC in preparation for the CCBC Am?ricas Award Book Discussion. The list does not represent committee nominations for the actual award. For more information about this award, please visit the Am?ricas Award web site

Questions? Contact Ginny, Megan or Katy at the CCBC (608&3720). We hope you'll seriously consider this opportunity to read and talk with others about some of the outstanding books published during the year 2000, period.

Ginny Moore Kruse gmkruse at Cooperative Children's Book Center A Library of the School of Education, University of Wisconsin - Madison
Received on Thu 01 Feb 2001 07:36:16 AM CST