CCBC-Net Archives

Homeless Bird/cover

From: uma at <uma>
Date: Tue, 9 Jan 2001 07:14:25 -0700

Laurie writes:

I wasn't even going to mention the cover but now that it's come up, let me say that the quilt was not accurate, and the clothes she's wearing are not quite right either -- that really puzzled me because one can now walk down the streets of New York or most major cities in the US and stand a good chance of seeing a woman wearing a salwar kameez. I have corresponded with staff at the National Museum of Women in the Arts, which housed the Narrative Thread exhibit when it was in DC -- they would probably have been delighted to send slides and brochures that could have guided an illustrator.


Uma Krishnaswami
"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" I wallow in uncertainty about punctuation, wording, and form [Margaret Wise Brown, letter to Lucy Mitchell, 1941].
Received on Tue 09 Jan 2001 08:14:25 AM CST