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ccbc-net digest 31 Jan 2001
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From: Sharon Addy <sharonaddy>
Date: Wed, 31 Jan 2001 14:42:30 EST
And whose reality is really real?" Although I'm really saddened that books contain misrepresentations, the nature of life makes them inevitable. Individual perceptions differ-?cause we're all individuals. Joey Pigza is Joey Pigza, not some "Everyperson". Fiction provides a glimpse into one individual's reality. As a writer I assume the goal of character?ntered fiction is to expand the reader's perception of other people's thoughts and feelings by creating a unique, believable, interesting character. Using that standard, Joey Pigza is very successful.
Sharon Hart Addy
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Received on Wed 31 Jan 2001 01:42:30 PM CST
Date: Wed, 31 Jan 2001 14:42:30 EST
And whose reality is really real?" Although I'm really saddened that books contain misrepresentations, the nature of life makes them inevitable. Individual perceptions differ-?cause we're all individuals. Joey Pigza is Joey Pigza, not some "Everyperson". Fiction provides a glimpse into one individual's reality. As a writer I assume the goal of character?ntered fiction is to expand the reader's perception of other people's thoughts and feelings by creating a unique, believable, interesting character. Using that standard, Joey Pigza is very successful.
Sharon Hart Addy
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Received on Wed 31 Jan 2001 01:42:30 PM CST